Humor |
Listing: |
- The
Adventures of Wendy Willcox and her dog Willis
It shouldn't take too long to get a Nigerian
419 advance fee scam e-mail. Then the goal
is to get the spammer to go to the airport,
and hotel, as many times as possible.
- Are
you a spammer?
Take this quiz to see if you are a spammer.
- Bernard Shifman
is a Moron Spammer
Details an exchange of emails from a spammer
to an anti-spam advocate.
- Conversations
with a Nigerian Bank Scammer
Karl Mamer, a columnist for the Toronto Sun,
explains how the Nigerian bank scam works.
And then, because he's bored, attempts to
waste the spammers' time.
- Dear
An open letter to all spammers about fake
emails and bulk email software
- Fun
with Scammers
Humorous extended e-mail exchange between
Dr. Abed Solomon (Nigerian Scammer) and Zach.
- The
Graham Douglas Fraud Masterclass
A Nigerian con man is led down the garden
path by his intended victim.
- One-Hundred
and One Things to do with a Spammer
Satirical list of ways to get revenge
on spammers.
- P.
T. Barnstormer's Internet Sideshow
Posts and ridicules humorous spam attempts.
- Random
Spam Generator
Sentences generated from core data of real
- SatireWire
| The First Annual Poetry Spam
Poetry written using phrases from spam e-mail
- Send
Me Some Spam
Satirical song written about spam.
- Send
Us Spam
The only web site on the planet that wants
your spam and other unsolicited, bulk, or
junk email.
- Solidaridad
Con Brian
A famous hoax email translated into many different
- The
Spam Avenger
Offers audio samples of phone calls to spammers
and a possibility to buy a CD.
- Spam
A repository of flammage generated by spammers
- generally speaking, their spittle-inflected
reaction to being called onto the carpet.
Submissions welcome.
- Spammorpher
Takes spam message and replaces key words
with amusing results.
- The
Weekly Spam Report
A humorous weekly commentary on spam floating
around the net.